Welcome to ARAN WORLD ACADEMY, our e-content platform, an integrated environment for remote content delivery.

If you already have your credentials, you can access the contents by entering your username and password.

We inform you that your personal data collected by this platform will be processed EXCLUSIVELY for purposes of content delivery process, in compliance with the relevant legislation. When accessing the platform using the credentials provided during the registration process or previously received by your Organization, you will be asked to read the Privacy Policy.

The content on the platform, including but not limited to course material (including textual teaching material, tests, audits, messages, documents, reports, etc.), static and motion pictures (including photographs, drawings, videos), music, graphics, tables and any other material are protected by the current legislation on intellectual property.
The contents on the platform are intended for personal use for educational purposes only and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Any use of the content that is not expressly authorized by law or by the owners and / or holders of copyrights is prohibited. It is in any case expressly forbidden to publish, disseminate, distribute in any way or form and by any means, including electronically (e.g., via email), the content of the platform, without the prior written consent of the respective rights holders.

Further information: